Youth Pastor and Children's Pastor Search > 구인

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Youth Pastor and Children's Pastor Search

페이지 정보

Hudson Yu2017-04-01


New Mercy Community Church has two pastoral positions open to join our pastoral team. The starting date for both positions will be September 2017.

Children’s Ministry Pastor (Edgewater Site)
The Children’s Ministry pastor position is a part-time/half-time position responsible for ministry to children from birth through fifth grade, and corresponding ministry activities that bless their families and community.
Organize and oversee the Edgewater children’s ministry.
Recruit/train teachers and volunteers.
Partner with other ministry teams and staff to strengthen children, parents, and families in our community.
 Our Church
New Mercy Community Church is a vibrant community with two campuses. We have been in existence for about 7 years. Our vision is; Church for the Broken...Called to Restoration. For more info please visit​

Youth Ministry Pastor (Hackensack Site)
The Youth Ministry pastor position is a part-time/half-time position responsible for ministry to youth from sixth to twelfth grade, and corresponding ministry activities that bless their families and community.
Organize and oversee the Hackensack youth ministry.
Recruit/train teachers and volunteers.
Partner with other ministry teams and staff to strengthen children, parents, and families in our community.
 Our Church
New Mercy Community Church is a vibrant community with two campuses. We have been in existence for about 7 years. Our vision is; Church for the Broken...Called to Restoration. For more info please visit



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