뉴저지동산교회에서 EM Pastor를 모십니다 (Full time / Part time) > 구인

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뉴저지동산교회에서 EM Pastor를 모십니다 (Full time / Part time)

페이지 정보



New Jersey, Litte Ferry에 위치한 뉴저지동산교회(Dongsan Alliance Church)에서
EM Pastor를 모십니다.
Dongsn Alliance Church, located in Little Ferry, NJ is looking for an EM Pastor.

1. Requirements:
 - Current M.Div student or graduate

2. Ministry:
 - Teamwork with Lead Pastor
 - Leading service and activities(retreat, bible study, etc.)
 - Pastoral care for EM members
 - Working hours will be discussed during the interview. (Full time / Part-time)
3. Application via email: info@dongsanchurch.org
 - Resume
 - Personal Testimony

4. Compensation will be discussed during the interview.

For more information, please contact Pastor Myoung Jin Jung(정명진 목사).
(201-229-1561, mj@dongsanchurch.org).

Dongsan Alliance Church
210 Washington Ave. Little Ferry, NJ 07643


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