(FL)Student Ministry Director : The Korean Methodist Church of Tampa (TKMC) > 구인

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(FL)Student Ministry Director : The Korean Methodist Church of Tampa (…

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Student Ministry Director
The Korean Methodist Church of Tampa (TKMC)

We are seeking a Full-Time Student Ministry Director with a love for children and passion to nurture and educate young disciples of Jesus Christ. The Director will oversee education from birth to 12th grade.

Tampa Korean Methodist Church is a firmly established and growing church of 250+ attendants with a strong core of volunteers. We are a multi-generational church and believe a strong biblical foundation is invaluable for our younger generation’s faith. Our student congregation consists mostly of, but not limited to, Korean-Americans.


● Lead and maintain education related programs and logistics
● Develop and implement age-appropriate curriculum
● Lead and collaborate with Sunday teacher team
● Deliver sermons for Sunday service for Youth Group and Sunday School
● Coordinate/Create large scale events such as Summer VBS, Youth Revival, etc
● Coordinate/Create weekly church activities: Youth Group “TGIF” and Awana Night for Sunday School
● Plan programs/events to build community
● Communicate with students’ parents/guardians
● Cultivate a positive and safe learning environment for all students

● Heart to raise and empower students to pursue God
● Humble and teachable spirit (work with team and Senior Pastor)
● Experience with Youth and/or Children’s ministry or similar capacity
● Demonstrates sensitivity and ability to work in a multicultural environment
● Understanding and/or desire to learn about Korean culture
● Degree from an accredited seminary, preferred

Salary: 45-55K, commensurate with experience and education
-Health Insurance

How to Apply:
● Personal statement (1-2 pages)
● Resume
● 2 letters of recommendation
Any questions can be submitted to tkumcemail@gmail.com


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