[뉴욕] 웨스트체스터 연합교회 YG Director/Pastor 청빙 > 구인

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[뉴욕] 웨스트체스터 연합교회 YG Director/Pastor 청빙

페이지 정보

Jonah So2017-10-24


뉴욕 웨스트체스터 연합교회에서 YG Director/Pastor 를 아래와 같이 찾고 있습니다.

The Korean Presbyterian Church of Westchester in New Rochelle, NY is seeking a part-time Youth Director/Pastor. (*English fluency*)
The monthly compensation is $2,000.
The time commitment is Saturday & Sunday.
The core responsibilities include: preaching weekly sermons for the YG,
teaching Bible study in partnership with the YG teachers, leading Saturday Night Fellowship, deepening relationships with the students, planning annual YG events.

1. Ministry Resume
2. Personal Testimony and Statement of faith

For more information contact: Rev. Dr. Jonah So (914-738-3076) or email pastor@kpcow.org


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